contact us
CEO: Sina Fazelzad 09144041430 ext. 3
Head: Rasul Mushtaq 09149090932 extension 4
Phone: 04133122828 04133122929
04133122930 04133122931
09912069225 09912069226
Internal Research and Development Management 9 -- 09912069235 ---- Research and Development Department 110 ---- Research and Development Fax 111
Internal Trade 1 and 2 ---- Internal Fax 5 ----- 09912069221
Internal Finance 6 and 116 ----- Internal Finance Fax 115 ---- 09912069227 ----- Internal Administration and Human Resources 7
Indoor warehouse 8 --- Indoor production workshop 121 --- Indoor CNC workshop 122 --- Indoor assembly workshop 123 -- Indoor shed 124 -- Indoor restaurant 120
PO Box: 1163-51385
Postal code: 5179895922
East Azarbaijan - Tabriz - Andisheh town - first Karajan road - science and technology park of East Azarbaijan province
Lands of phase one of Asr-e-Inglab Complex - Plot No. 3 - Dor-Mama Packaging Company Building
EMAIL: [email protected]
EMAIL: [email protected]
EMAIL: [email protected]
TELEGRAM: +98 9164743429